Ad for fair food on a trailer at Arcola, Ill.'s Raggedy Ann Days.

More fair food at the awesome Indiana State Fair in Indianapolis.

Krispy Kreme are THE doughnut of the south, and
a far superior species than Dunkin' Donuts. A light comes on outside when there is a fresh warm batch available.

Highway 98, Florida.

Interesting art is on the run at carnivals, but this kiddie ride at the Indiana State Fair boasted some excellent imagery.

Wilbur, Wash.

It's nice to see hand-painted signs, like this one in Wauchula, Fla., that don't reflect graffitti art's hegemony.

At the Walworth County Fair in Elkhorn, Wis.

The bad news is, the good news, formerly at 31st Street and the Dan Ryan, is gone.
For a while, though, the proprietors of the former Jimmy's were so excited by fried dough that they plastered these signs
all over their corner property up the Dan Ryan from Comiskey Park.
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