Order my book about Chicago’s magnificent rock carvings online via Chicago’s Buddy shop, read about the carvings and check out maps and galleries for the all the most interesting carvings. You can register for my June 15, 2024, walking tour of the carvings starting south of Foster Beach at the Edgewater Historical Society.
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Carving Magnificence

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Roadside Art


The Western Avenue Gallery: Chicago’s Best Art | Thomassons! | Revenge of the Mansards | Classic Signs | Roadside Ruins | The Gyros Project: Art on Every Corner | The Red Hot Annex | Eccentric Environments | Junk Food | Various Roadside Vistas | Postcard Motels | Motel Matches | 100 Best Signs from Roadside Art Online | Rosehill Cemetery | Vintage Matchbook Covers | More
The Idea Barn

Ernie Bushmiller: Master of Modern Art

Don’t be miserable before it is time | Living the Skeptical Life | Ersatz History | Harry Potter: Magical Mediocrity | Life is Better Now | Confession of a Sports Non-Lover | Dick Van Dyke: Gentiles in Paradise | It’s a Pretty Grim Life | Leave It To Beaver Lies | Bad Things Happen to Prompt People | Squidward, The New Spock | The Evil Nice | Don Knotts, Genius | Mueller | More